Why advertising your jobs online is important
It’s all about being noticed!
It’s a well-accepted fact that that finding good people in Cambridge is tough. Almost impossible some might say. And yet job seekers are out there in their hundreds (and thousands), so the question is: how can I connect with them?
Each year Cambridge attracts more and more high-quality employers to the area, all fighting for the same people. In the face of such fierce competition, companies are continuously trying to find new and innovative ways to connect with job seekers: social media; business networking; recruitment events; even sponsored roundabouts (yes, I know!) are all being ‘mined’ tirelessly for candidates.
And yet some employers seem to be much more successful than others (when it comes to finding people). So why is this? Being noticed is still the most critical factor when it comes to successful recruitment.
If people don’t know who you are and that you are recruiting, how can you expect them to apply?
That is why it is now more important than ever for Cambridge employers to ensure their job advertisements are listed online, in as many places as possible.
Big Brands
Let’s look at some obvious examples of where being noticed (i.e., having a big brand) really makes a difference.
Why is it that Apple, Google, Amazon, et al., never seem to struggle to find good people? Well, partly because they are perceived as ‘cool’ companies to work for, and partly because they have reputations for being great employers. But mainly because people know who they are.
We all know what they make and sell. We all know how great they are to work for. And we all know they are recruiting lots more people. So, it is not difficult for a job seeker to find their careers page and see what’s on offer.
Just because you don’t have the brand of Apple or Google, doesn’t mean you can’t be noticed. Online job advertisements are a great way of letting job seekers know you are growing and in need of more people.
UK recruitment ‘adspend’
Need more proof that job advertising works? Well, how about we consider the well-loved ‘recruitment agency.’ If you speak to any modern recruitment agency, they will tell you that they don’t really use advertising anymore. In fact, most of their applicants come through LinkedIn, social networking and meeting people at events. Hmmm.
If that’s true, then why is it that the UK’s recruitment advertising industry is worth approx. £650-£750m per annum. That’s right. Almost three-quarters of a billion pounds every year! Who’s spending all that money if no-one uses adverts anymore?
The reality is that recruitment advertising is a vital part of any agency’s route to market and, while modern networking techniques probably do account for a higher % of success than in previous years, being noticed still pays dividends.
A balanced approach
The reality is that a successful recruitment process needs balance. No one candidate source will ultimately yield all the people you need. It’s about using as many different methods are your budget will allow. In the UK, using recruitment agencies has most definitely become ‘the norm’ and most growing company’s factor agency fees into their budgeting process without giving this a second thought.
If you are one of these companies, and will happily pay £7,000 to an external recruiter, why not give some more thought to using online job ads. Granted they need to be targeted at the right audience (e.g., location) and represent value for money, but ignore them at your peril.
Go online now, and you will be amazed to see how many of your competitors are already using online job ads as part of their recruitment strategy.